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Mechanical Aeration

Residential mechanical aeration services
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Mechanical Aeration

Residential mechanical aeration services
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Premium Lawn Aeration Services

Premium Lawn Aeration Services

Reduce soil compaction, remove excessive thatch layers, eliminate weeds, encourage healthy roots, and stimulate growth with our lawn aeration.

Yard Dawgs has been keeping customers’ lawns healthy and dynamic for years with our comprehensive lawn aeration service. If you are looking to get your lawn aerated this season at an affordable price, look no further then Yard Dawgs.

Since our early beginnings, we have aerated thousands of lawns throughout our business. Our detailed process and accuracy ensure that we deliver high-quality results for our clients. By aerating your yard, we can relieve soil compaction and thatch buildup in the turf, ensuring that your lawn grows healthy.

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Premium Lawn Aeration Services

What is Core Lawn Aeration in Calgary?

What is Core Lawn Aeration in Calgary?

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(587) 254-2337
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Lawn Specialist

(587) 254-2337
Core lawn aeration is one of the most important things you can do for your lawn. It is a vital component of any lawn care treatment, resulting in grass that is healthy, thick, and robust, even after the freezing temperatures and snow of winter.

Lawn aeration involves the removal of small cores of soil and thatch from the grass using an aerator. The cores will eventually decompose while their removal will open up your lawn, stimulating new turf growth and increasing the impact of fertilization.

Yard Dawgs is ready to help get your lawn restored to its best after the harshness of winter. If you prefer, we also offer liquid aeration services. Lawn aeration is most effective in the fall season between August and October. 

Yard Weed

Still have weeds?

We’ll treat your lawn until it’s flawless. Guaranteed.

We stand 100% by our work and want to ensure you are thrilled with our services. If there is ever issue, we will make it right.

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Lawn Specialist

(587) 254-2337
Yard Weed

Still have weeds?

We’ll treat your lawn until it’s flawless. Guaranteed.

We stand 100% by our work and want to ensure you are thrilled with our services. If there is ever issue, we will make it right.

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Lawn Specialist

(587) 254-2337

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Lawn aeration

How much should I water after aeration?

It is recommended that you water your lawn in the morning with about 1 inch of water per week. We also recommend fewer heavy watering sessions and more shorter sessions

Do you rake up the cores after aerating?

No, we don’t remove the cores after the aeration. The cores will eventually decompose (between two to three weeks) and become a fresh layer of new soil that will help stimulate root growth and yield greener grass.

Is it possible to aerate in the rain?

Yes it is! Aeration is great to do in the rain since your lawn will be less compacted and the aerator can penetrate deeper. As long as there is no snow, we can do the job for you.

What season should I aerate my lawn?

We highly recommend getting the aeration done in the fall season. In the spring, although it won't hurt, it isn't the most ideal time. When you aerate your lawn in the spring, weeds tend to spread much faster and germinate with the seed to soil contact. It's best to aerate yearly in the fall season for best results.

When to aerate your lawn in Calgary?

We recommend aerating annually in the Fall. Calgary's soil is clay-based and therefore very dense. In order for nutrients, water and air to penetrate the surface you'll need to open the soil up through aeration.

Is aerating a lawn necessary?

Yes. Compacted soil impedes root growth and leads to the accumulation of thatch. It opens up your soil to water, air and nutrients. Aeration encourages deeper root growth and in turn increases your grass's tolerance to drought and disease.

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We answered.

How much should I water after aeration?

It is recommended that you water your lawn in the morning with about 1 inch of water per week. We also recommend fewer heavy watering sessions and more shorter sessions

Do you rake up the cores after aerating?

No, we don’t remove the cores after the aeration. The cores will eventually decompose (between two to three weeks) and become a fresh layer of new soil that will help stimulate root growth and yield greener grass.

Is it possible to aerate in the rain?

Yes it is! Aeration is great to do in the rain since your lawn will be less compacted and the aerator can penetrate deeper. As long as there is no snow, we can do the job for you.

What season should I aerate my lawn?

We highly recommend getting the aeration done in the fall season. In the spring, although it won't hurt, it isn't the most ideal time. When you aerate your lawn in the spring, weeds tend to spread much faster and germinate with the seed to soil contact. It's best to aerate yearly in the fall season for best results.

When to aerate your lawn in Calgary?

We recommend aerating annually in the Fall. Calgary's soil is clay-based and therefore very dense. In order for nutrients, water and air to penetrate the surface you'll need to open the soil up through aeration.

Is aerating a lawn necessary?

Yes. Compacted soil impedes root growth and leads to the accumulation of thatch. It opens up your soil to water, air and nutrients. Aeration encourages deeper root growth and in turn increases your grass's tolerance to drought and disease.


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